नेपाली राजदूतावास, बहराइनबाट प्रमाणित गरिएका डिमाण्ड लेटर, भिसा ,सम्झौतापत्र तथा सो संग सम्बन्धित अन्य कागजातहरू

नेपाली राजदूतावास, बहराइनबाट मिति  3 June 2019 देखि 13 June 2019 सम्ममा प्रमाणित गरिएका व्यक्तिगत भिसा, सम्झौतापत्र तथा सो संग सम्बन्धित   अन्य कागजातहरू
Reg. No. Date Visa/Contract Name of Employer Name of Employee
Ind.255 03.06.19 Visa-11122306, Cook(General) Hala Café Dudhimaya Pakhrin
Ind.255.1 Contract/Agreement
Ind.256 09.06.19 Visa-11071983, Beautician Sharifah Beauty Centre Khadga Maya Bishwakarma
Ind.256.1 Contract/Agreement
Ind.257 09.06.19 Visa-11084256, Labourer Mercury Contracting Center Saran Karki
Ind.257.1 Contract/Agreement
Ind.258 09.06.19 Visa-11123852, Salesman Asiana House Market Megha Bahadur Pun
Ind.258.1 Contract/Agreement
Ind.259 11.06.19 Visa-11117541, Worker Marmaris Group Padam Bahadur Thapa
Ind.259.1 Contract/Agreement
Ind.260 11.06.19 Visa-11113875, Worker Marmaris Group Narayan Panday
Ind.260.1 Contract/Agreement
Ind.261 13.06.19 Visa-10904382, Cashier Everest Nepali Foodstuffs Mayadevi Khatri
Ind.261.1 Contract/Agreement
नेपाली राजदूतावास, बहराइनबाट मिति 9 June  2019 देखि   13 June 2019 सम्ममा प्रमाणित गरिएका डिमाण्ड लेटर तथा सो संग सम्बन्धित अन्य कागजातहरू
Reg. No. Date Demand Set Name of Employer Name of Employee Remarks
Dem.340 09.06.19 Group of Company Lanterns Restaurant Co. W.L.L. M/S Miracle Man Power Pvt. Ltd.
Dem.341 11.06.19 Power of Attorney Secure Me W.L.L. M/S I.M.S. Manpower Pvt. Ltd.
Dem.342 13.06.19 Demand Letter Fit Well Uniforms M/S Al Sama International Overseas Pvt. Ltd.
Dem.342.1 Power of Attorney
Dem.342.2 Guarantee Letter
Dem.342.3 Service Agreement
Dem.342.4 Employment         Contract/ Agreement
Dem.343 13.06.19 Demand Letter Areesh Food Club S.P.C. M/S Global Welfare HR Solution Pvt. Ltd.
Dem.343.1 Power of Attorney
Dem.343.2 Guarantee Letter
Dem.343.3 Service Agreement
Dem.343.4 Employment         Contract/ Agreement
Dem.344 13.06.19 To Whom It May Concern International Security Service M/S Miracle Manpower Pvt. Ltd.
Dem.345 13.06.19 Demand Letter Exelon Infratech SPC M/S Montage Overseas Pvt. Ltd.
Dem.345.1 Power of Attorney
Dem.345.2 Guarantee Letter
Dem.345.3 Service Agreement
Dem.345.4 Employment         Contract/ Agreement